Traditional Acupuncture
Is one of the oldest healthcare systems in the world, originating from China, based on ancient principles which go back almost five thousand years. It uses a positive model of good health and wellbeing, we believe pain and illness are signs that the body is out of balance. The aim of acupuncture treatment, then, is to restore balance within the body, improving wellbeing, pain and whole body healing rather than treating individual symptoms.
Traditional Acupuncture is now a popular alternative healthcare medicine, using a holistic concept, which is now recognised in its ability to help treat many chronic and debilitating conditions, so that it treats the person as a whole, rather than treating symptoms alone.
Effective treatment considers not only the physical state of a patient but also their emotional and mental states. The main principle is, that well-being depends on the quality and amount of vital energy or Qi (pronounced chee) that runs through the body via energy channels known as meridians. This Qi represents our basic constitution.
Our lifestyle including eating habits, physical exercise, balance of emotions and working life all contribute to how our Qi flows and any extreme can cause an imbalance. Over a period of time these imbalances of energy can manifest as conditions and illnesses. The practitioner ascertains where the imbalances are and corrects the flow of Qi by inserting fine needles into specific points to treat the person, at the root cause of the problem and alleviate any symptoms.
A specialist area of mine is treatment for fertility and in particular, those suffering with PCOS and Endometriosis.
I also have extensive training and experience in using acupuncture to facilitate the treatment of IVF and ART (assisted reproductive techniques)
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Traditional acupuncture, used to track your cycle, or ART, IVF cycle, to help achieve the best possible outcome. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) will always treat the person as a whole, looking at the state of the whole mind, body and spirit to design the best possible treatment to get the desired outcome. Rather than just treating infertility, there is no one size treatment fits all, treatment is completely built around you and your journey.
A superficial cosmetic procedure, Facial Acupuncture is a gentle natural alternative to Botox. While still being a holistic and safe treatment for the skin, mind, body and soul. Although its mainly for skin health, Acupuncture facials may also help with Migraines, Mental health, Insomia and digestive health, delivering a whole body and skin inner glow. Used to sculpt and lift the contours of the face, toning facial muscles, Stimulating collage and elastin, plumping out fine lines and wrinkles.
Includes Facial Gua Sha, a relaxing facial massage, Hyaluronic Acid mask and Scalp massage. The ultimate in AntiAgeing
The Skin mate Microneedling pen, delivers impeccable results to create micro puncture channels, to tighten and firm the skin, creating superior collagen and elastin rejuvenation. Also great for scarring, Hyper pigmentation and fine lines and wrinkles. It uses a new sterile cartridge for each new treatment, ensuring maximum hygiene and efficiency. Also Includes Gua Sha to contour and stimulate lymphatic drainage, Acupuncture on the face and body, a relaxing scalp and face massage.
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